sax pub May 2013

Saxoncourt Publishing is pleased to introduce our new publications. We started the project in 2012 and managed to create 12 new ‘Crest Readers’, the new Amazing Alphabet book, and update our old SPEC 4-6 books to extend the SPEC series into 9 levels. 

The new ‘Crest Readers’ accompany and integrate language from SPEC 1-3 and were written by Shane teachers to make the narrative more appealing to young learners as of course, they know our students the best! We are sure they will enjoy reading them.

For the new SPEC books, we added some new units in SPEC 4 and SPEC 9 to improve transitioning between books, and extra review units and grammar worksheets to help reinforce grammar structures.

We are sure teachers, parents, and students all will appreciate the changes we have made for years to come.