School Information Form – Basic Information

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/6″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_single_image image=”9853″ img_size=”medium” alignment=”center”][vc_column_text]The Saxoncourt Group is currently in the process of increasing the range of services it can provide Shane schools in China.


Our aim is to offer increased support and services for both the teachers and schools to ensure that your Shane School continues to develop and prosper. We would like to broaden our services to include support with teacher recruitment, materials, student enrollment, and teacher development.


By taking the time to provide us with the information below, you are giving us the tools necessary to develop products and services that can directly benefit you. We look forward to working with you to ensure the continued success of your school!



  • School Information 学校资讯

  • This is the school number assigned by the Beijing office which is also used to give access to systems like the Shane Server, Shane Spelling Bee App, etc. 此编号为北京办公室所提供让各校得以进入夏恩的系统与夏恩APP(Spelling Bee)等等
  • Please include full-time and part-time teachers. 请将全职与兼职教师皆列入
  • School Manager 校长

    If there is no formal manager, including the contact information for the person responsible for the day-to-day operations of the school. 若该校无校长,请提供现行管理者之联络资讯。
  • Top Academic Person (TAP) 教务指导

    The person in charge of academic affairs at your school and the point of contact for the Global Academic Manager (GAM). Please leave this section blank if the school manager is also the TAP. 此人应为管理教务相关者,需为全球教务指导(GAM)联繫窗口。若校长兼任教务指导,则无需填写下方栏位。
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