Learn English

The goal at Shane English School is for our students to improve their English and to develop the ability to speak, write, and understand English with confidence. Compared with more traditional schools, our teaching methods encourage students to think in English and use it naturally.  

Teaching Methods

Shane English School’s teaching methods include both time-tested principles and the latest in educational theory and pedagogy.

Teaching Materials

As part of the Saxoncourt Group, Shane English School has is own curriculum optimised for its teaching outcomes and style.

A Wide Range of English Courses

There are Shane English School courses for all ages and ability levels. Find out what’s available in your region.


Education technology continues to advance every year. While e-learning is not likely to replace teachers anytime soon, it is a useful tool to supplement traditional classes.

Why Learn English with Shane?

Find out why you should learn English with Shane English School, one of the world’s premier language learning organisations.

Learning Tips Blog

What is Technical English and Why Should You Learn It?

What is Technical English and Why Should You Learn It?

Let’s start with defining the term itself. What is “Technical English” as such? Well, generally there is no predefined term like “Technical English”. There is no commonly accepted definition of Technical English but in broad terms, Technical English can be...

How to Get the Most Out of Online Learning

How to Get the Most Out of Online Learning

Twenty years ago, when Sir Timothy John Berners-Lee launched the world wide web not much was known about the countless possibilities it would offer – shopping from the convenience of your crib, learning a new language or skill while commuting, sending and...

7 Ways To Use English Daily

7 Ways To Use English Daily

Use it or lose it! Learning a language means you have to be an active user to do well. It has to be every day. The more you are around English and you put English in your environment (e.g. the more you use and see it), the faster you will improve. The good...